OKAY. So I’ve finished Memory Lost (3 seasons. 12 eps each) and maybe because it was split into seasons it felt like I wasn’t watching a long series and that it was easier to digest (hello as Flowers Fade). But maybe even if I don’t fool myself with that, I’d still binge the fck out of this series. Why? It was actually really good.

+1 again for Bai Yu starring in a series that is actually good.

The characters are nice and I liked the Black Shield team although the ending where everyone was given a girlfriend was ridiculous. But they were a cute group.
The effects are… better than Guardian at the very least but it’s not Lost Tomb Reboot. LOL That’s all I can say…

The fighting choreography though was so sooooo cool! It was dynamic and it flowed really well. AND IT WAS CONSISTENT! Like MC’s fighting skill that was introduced in ep1 was still as sharp until the last season. So yay. Also, Han Chen was OP all throughout anyway and I love all his fighting and parkour scenes. Now, I really do wonder if BY did his parkour scenes. Get those long legs working!

Now for the CP. I really ship them. They were not stressful at all. I like the slight tsuntsun bickering and MC was so cute when she reacts to Han Chen being Han Chen. And during season 1 I just wanted them to be together, so come season 2 where the sugar and fluff were there in almost every ep, my fangirl heart couldn’t stop watching. So I’m really happy that this is HE. They deserve each other ❤

Finally Bai Yu… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the number of “Tangina Han Chen” I said should’ve been counted but I think I have like 3 on minimum per episode. KASI NAMAN. TANGINA HAN CHEN TALAGA. Sana all. He’s so OP and cool and even though he’s arrogant, he has all the rights. He is that good! But BUT. Although he is OP and shit, when his sweet side comes out, he can make any girl (by any girl I mean me) melt. So please please uncle, can you teach gege how to do a proper kissing scene… he needs guidance.

As of now, this is the coolest BY48 I’ve seen. He was not babey in this at all that I forget who I am watching. Bai Yu who? This is Han Chen. Wew. And I need to stop now before I say anything inappropriate… kasi tangina Han Chen.

Overall, I can rewatch this and maybe even recommend it.

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